• Micro-Measurement M-Bond 200
• Excellent general-purpose adhesive
• Fast room-temperature cure
• Ease of application
For routine experimental stress analysis applications under temperate environmental conditions, M-Bond 200 adhesive is ordinarily the best choice. This adhesive is very easy to handle, and cures almost instantly to produce an essentially creep-free, fatigue-resistant bond, with elongation capability of five percent or more.
M-Bond 200 is a cyanoacrylate that has been pretested and certified for use in bonding strain gages. It is an excellent general-purpose adhesive for laboratory and short-term field applications. The procedure for making a strain gage installation with M-Bond 200 is illustrated and described in detail in Instruction Bulletin B-127 included in each kit of adhesive.
The user should note that the performance of the adhesive can be degraded by the effects of time, humidity conditions, elevated temperature, and moisture absorption. Because of the latter effect, strain gage installations should always be covered with a suitable protective coating.
For proper results, the procedures and techniques presented here should be used with qualified Micro- Measurements installation accessory products. Those used in this procedure are:
• CSM Degreaser or GC-6 Isopropyl Alcohol
• Silicon Carbide Paper
• M-Prep Conditioner A
• M-Prep Neutralizer 5A
• GSP-1 Gauze Sponges
• CSP-1 Cotton Applicators
• PCT- 2M Gage Installation Tape
We include all this in our start kits, all your adhesive needs packed in a handy tool box.
• Startkit M-Bond 200 1
• Startkit M-Bond 200 2