Products / Strain Gages/ Tools/ Accessories / Starter Kits

Startkit 1 M-Bond 200

By Micro-Measurements (Vishay)

• Lisab Startkit 1 M-Bond 200
• All you need for bonding
• Professional Materials and tools
• Packed neatly in a toolbox

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This Starter Kit includes materials necessary to immediately start making strain gage installations for routine applications. The M-Bond 200 Adhesive is an excellent general purpose adhesive that cures almost instantly. Combined with expert cleaning and surface preparations to give you a professional result.
Included in the starter kit is everything you need to prepare the surface and execute the bonding with a professional result. Its all packaged in a tool box for easy access and convenience.

The Items in Start Kit 1 M-Bond 200:

• M-Bond 200 Adhesive
• M-Bond 200 Catalyst C
• Cleaning Spray (maskinrent or GC-6 Isopropyl Alcohol)
• CSP-1 Cotton Swabs
• PCT-2M Gage Installation Tape
• SCP-1 Silicon-Carbide Paper, 220 Grit
• MCA-1 M-PREP Conditioner A
• MN5A-1 M-PREP Neutralizer 5A
• GSP-1 Gauze Swabs (wash cloth 7,5 x 7,5cm)
• RSK-1 Rosin Solvent Bottle
• 361A-20R-25, solder
• PDT-3 Drafting Tape
• M-Coat C, 1 bottle
• 326-DFV 30m 3-leader flat cable
• Terminals CEG-100C or smaller
• Wire 134-AWP (150m)

Everything is neatly packaged in a toolbox.

Related Products:

• Startkit 2 M-Bond 200
• Startkit 1 M-Bond AE-10/15
• Startkit 2 M-Bond AE-10/15
