Products / Strain Gages/ Tools/ Accessories / Coating & Protection, Installation

M-Coat A

By Micro-Measurements (Vishay)

• Easy to use
• Transparent
• Good general-purpose coating for laboratory use

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Air-drying solvent-thinned (xylene) polyurethane. Transparent. Moderate hardness; good flexibility. Can be removed with M-LINE Rosin Solvent or toluene. Film thickness 0.1-0.25mm per coat.
General-purpose coating for lab use, and as base coating for fieldapplications.Mustbefullycuredbeforeadditionofother coatings. Fair moisture resistance. Not readily attacked by many solvents. Convenient to use.

Cure Requirements:
Dries tack-free at room temperature in 20 minutes. Completely dry in 2 hours.
Normal cure 24 hours at room temperature. Chemical resistance and coating hardness increase for 6 to 7 days.

Operating Temperature Range:
Short Term: –75° to +150°C [–100° to +300°F]
Long Term: –75° to +120°C [–100° to +250°F]


Available in Single Bottle [30ml]  and Kit 4 [30ml] Bottles.