Products / Strain Gages/ Tools/ Accessories / Coating & Protection, Installation

M-Coat D

By Micro-Measurements (Vishay)

• Air drying
• Opaque
• Good base coating

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Air-drying solvent-thinned (toluene) acrylic. Dense white color for easy visual inspection of coverage. Forms hard thin coating capable of high elongation. Can be removed with M-LINE Rosin Solvent or toluene. Apply in thin coats to prevent solvent entrapment. Film thickness 0.1-0.25mm per coat.

Good general laboratory moisture barrier. Electrical leakage negligible even when uncured. Good base coating for subsequent applications of M-Coat B. Convenient for anchoring and insulating intrabridge wiring and jumper leads. Chemical resistance only fair but can be improved by postcure at +80°C for 30 minutes.

Cure Requirements:
Air dry for 15 minutes then cure for 24 hours at +24°C or one hour at +65°C. Overcoats can be applied 30 minutes from time of application. Coating binder begins to sublimate at +140°C, but residue is inorganic and will not become conductive.

Operating Temperature Range:
Short Term: –75° to +160°C [–100° to +325°F].
Long Term: –75° to +120°C [–100° to +250°F].