Micro-Measurements (Vishay)

Since 1962, Micro-Measurements has been a leading supplier of strain gages, instruments, and accessories for experimental stress analysis and precision transducers.

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About the company

Micro-Measurements is dedicated to the development, manufacture, and marketing of products for high-precision strain and stress measurement. It is our only business. For purposes of experimental stress analysis—whether preproduction prototype evaluation, field-service testing, failure analysis, or pure research—we offer a full complement of the sensors, instruments, equipment, and supplies necessary to obtain accurate, reliable strain and stress data.

Our products are used throughout the industrialized world—both in the practice of experimental stress analysis, and as the sensing elements in a wide variety of transducers including load cells for measuring physical variables other than strain (weight, force, torque, pressure, etc.). We are structured equally to serve the differing needs of the very small user, and those of large high-volume customer.

For stress analysis testing, we are the leading supplier of electrical resistance strain gages, strain gage accessories, and special resistive sensors and specialists in the development and manufacture of static and dynamic strain gage instrumentation. Additionally, as experts in the field of photoelasticity, we offer a wide range of equipment and materials for this visual, full-field stress measurement technique.

Micro-Measurements also produces strain gages and installation accessories that are specifically designed to meet the needs of load cell manufacturers. Our Transducer-Class® gages have the special features and operating characteristics required for the economical production of precision transducers.